Getting Ready for Virtual Learning

The kids are going back to school but in Fulton County it is a different kind of first day of school! Virtual Learning starts next week for our kids and it seems like it is the top topic of conversation for the moms of Johns Creek. The 3 of us all have school aged children so we are trying to organize ourselves and prepare spaces for our children in a way where they can learn, find what they need and most importantly not get distracted. Here are our top virtual learning organization tips!

  1. Virtual Learning Cart

    One of the hurdles we had with virtual learning was the constant getting up and down to find a pencil or paper- even though they are organized in a cabinet in the kitchen!  I am trying to avoid this issue by assembling a Virtual Learning Cart. I purchased the 3 Tier Rolling Cart from Container Store and dividers to keep all supplies papers and binder organized and easily accessible- right next to her work space. We are using a Multipurpose Binder Bin to keep her laptop, notebooks and binders. As well as a second bin with file dividers for each subject to store any assignments. 


April 2020. Reflect on what worked and what didn’t work for your family. My biggest lesson was to try to find a separate work space to limit distractions.

April 2020. Reflect on what worked and what didn’t work for your family. My biggest lesson was to try to find a separate work space to limit distractions.

2.     Separate the Kids!

With a 5 year age gap, my children have very different needs. My daughter is in elementary school with assignments and homework. My son wants someone to play with! The virtual learning schedule looks great so far with dedicated teaching time for each subject. Giving each child their own space will give them a chance to avoid distractions. Think about your child’s age when determining their learning space. A middle school or high school student is fine being in their room at a desk but an elementary school aged child is going to need some help logging on and staying on task. I would imagine it would be very distracting for two school aged kids being next to each other listening to different lectures at the same time.

Last Spring, I had my daughter set up on the dining room table- it was a constant mess and I was constantly on her case to be careful with my new dining room table. My daughter is going to be set up in the dining room on a folding table this fall so we can easily put it away and I don’t have to worry about my new dining room table getting scratched! I have high hopes that the virtual learning cart will help keep school work papers put away!

3.     Plan recess

Take some time to think of ways your kids can unplug completely and get fresh air during recess. I am planning on making my daughter go on a walk or hit some tennis balls during the recess time slot. I know a little outdoor fun will recharge her and help her stay on task when she gets back from her break. 


Mom Survival Mode

Mom Survival Mode

4. Stock up on Wine

Just kidding (kind of)! Be patient with yourself and your kids. This is a situation no one could have ever predicted and many of us are juggling jobs and kids. Just like your kid needs a break- you do too. Make time to go for a walk, peloton ride or catch up with friends. A little me time will help you survive! And remember in the immortal words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”

We would love to hear your tips for virtual learning success! What works and doesn’t work for your family?

Alex Klein