5 Quick and Easy Tips for a Spring Refresh

SPRING is most definitely in the air. Sadly if you live in Atlanta, GA you can feel it in your throat too. But generally Spring brings with it the essence of new life, new beginnings and new chapters. Change is happening in nature and it is a perfect time to reflect those developments outdoors within your home too.

INTERIOR DESIGN doesn’t have to break the bank. There are many opportunities to create a visual adjustment that can alter a stagnant feel and uplift a room to create a new tempo. Sure a new sofa can change the focus of the living room or a new bed the vibe of the bedroom, but these are big ticket items that not everyone is ready to splash out on. Here are a few ways that you can make a difference in your own space.

Living room styling by 3 cheeky birds

1. DECLUTTER and organize. There is a reason it is called Spring Cleaning and it is all about the time year. Take things one step further this year, past the deep clean of you home or office and take a real look at what is in your space. Make this chore intentional, keep it simple so it can remain fun. Nobody needs to feel overwhelmed and give up on a job half done.

Remove all your decorative items from living room shelving. Think about whether to replace them or not. Sometimes the phrase less is more is most certainly true. Allow space and movement in a room. Allow for your items be truly seen and appreciated. You will likely find that both you and your guest have a new appreciation for them. Spring is the time to enjoy a light, spacious and airy feel to your home.

Styling by 3 cheeky birds

2. BRING the outdoors in. Mother Nature is busying herself with the introduction of color. This is the perfect time to do the same indoors. The addition of plants not only brings a sense of calming but they have the benefit of purifying the air you breath. Use a variation of plants to add drama with height and tone.

There is no need to stop at plants. Fill your home with the fresh scent of flowers. Cut them from your own backyard or source from a local florist. Fresh twigs budding create visual impact and is a cheap and cheerful way to combine the outdoors with indoors.

Don’t forget to complete the look by your entryway. Whether that is outside your front door or as you enter your home through the entryway.

Roswell Living room by 3 cheeky birds

3. REARRANGE your floor plan. This maybe as simple as removing a piece of furniture so that a different arrangement can be configured. Or perhaps exchanging furniture from one room to another. It can be fun and a breath of fresh air to changeout a sitting room chair to one that is currently in a bedroom. The difference in the observation will be impactful to the beholder. Again here is where you can also switch out decor from one room to another. Move a vase that is usually displaced in the dining room to the kitchen, or swap out the photos in frames or indeed the frames themselves. Change is good!

Don’t overlook your artwork. Most likely it has been hanging in the same spot where you first hung it up. Rotate your artwork from either one spot to another or with different pieces that you have in storage. I have a friend that constantly does this in her family home. I love to see the new artwork that has been place, whether it is a framed kids drawing or seasonal decor.

Johns Creek Bedroom by 3 cheeky birds

4. SOFT furnishing can totally transform the feel of a room. It is time to change it up. A new season should mean new bedding. Substitute the heavy duvet and darker colors. Bring in light cotton and linen fabrics. Import the light and vivid colors. Don’t shy away here as bold can mean impact. Pattern is a great way to introduce color, it doesn’t have to be block color. Set the tone for the statement you want to make. Have fun with light layering.

The same is true for cushions in your living room or a rug in a hallway. Shift to lighter and more vibrant options from heavier muted colors that suit the colder months. You can stick to the same color themes should you want to, but be more playful with the material choices. Somber and elegant should be replaced with fun and fancy free.

5. CLEANSE your space and the energy you will feel the difference. Set your intentions before you begin, the requirements for what you are looking for. You don’t have to be an expert and can use any form cleansing, sound or smudging with sage for example. My personal preference is to use a Tibetan Singing Bowl and enjoy the sound vibrations clearing out the negative chi and allowing room for positivity.

Any method will do. Just remember to open window or a door to allow for the negative energy an exit. Circulate your home or office with the intention to purify and from a starting position and work around the area incorporating all objects and corners of the rooms. You will intuitively know when it is time to move to the next room. For me I feel a difference within me and the vibrations of the bowl.

Alex Klein